Dear students,
Exam pattern of the CA course had gone some changes. The competition however, was increased due to increase in the number of student for CA course. If you watch closely the results you can see that the %of pass is remains the same even if there exist good coaching institute and capsules and other short cuts .The ultimate object is to crack the course.we can identify the road block faced by the students then the solutions.
You can see the following issues with the CA student.
False feeling that coaching will ensure the 100% success and over depending on coaching on the entire subject.
If you are beginner, you may be getting nervous due to the peer pressure of the course and the people around you. You may be thinking that you cannot clear the course without attending the coaching classes. In fact, most of the coaching classes were established to enrich their own pocket rather than the moral commitment to the student society. If you see the coaching class fee of premier institute, you can realize that a poor student cannot afford any coaching at all. Some others institute demand to attend compulsorily the other subject of the same institute.Is coaching is required? answer is yes, if and only after studying the subject and if you feel comfortable then not required the coaching.Never over rely upon the coaching.Even if undergone to coaching we have to rework on the subject again.
Merit of good coaching
It may reduced your effort of studies by focusing on the relevant area.
Earlier idenfication of your strength and weakness (not all).
Good student group will help for sharing of the resources.
De merit
Will spoil the self productivity and will confined to the coaching and not thinking beyond the class.
Self study is the better way as it will develop some of your basic skills.The self developed skills only will help you for the exam. For new generation CA students due to over rely on the coaching may losing this skills to a large extent.
The danger of self study is wasting the time for the area which is less relevant for the exam.For them following shall be recommended.
1.Identify the relevant area(Go through scanners and suggested answers you can get which is relevant and which is least relevant)
2.Preparing very hard for the relevant area(making notes and summary)
3.Revising the relevant area
Role of self productivity
Self productivity is the main important quality as far as a CA student is concerned.
How to cultivate this? through self studies.
If you raise your hand to someone, they will automatically raise their hand for shaking hand. Just like the same, if you start studying the subject, automatically the subject will start reacting your way.
Some subject may take time to get understanding and some other may find very difficult to understand in spite of your hard effort. But you must have a good basic understanding of the entire subject; else, the coaching may be a waste investment for you.
Plan the subject which can manage your own and with coaching lthat come to light after self study only.
Even if you attending the coaching class, must go through the subject . For some student problem paper may be difficult and for some others theory like Law, Etc may be difficult. Go coaching only for the weaker subject.
Purchase good book.
Now a days market is full of text book of various authors, buy one reference book along with your institute text book. Careful selection of good text book is very important. Scanners and suggested answers also need to purchase along with the recommended book.
Why reference books?
It is because ICAI material contain many explanatory points ,But the reference book contains only what is required for the exam point of view.
Why scanners and suggested answers?
because it is the data base of past exam questions , it will help us to know the area more relevant and a wonderful tool for anaysing the trend.
Plan well for your studies.
The plan shall be in line with the selection of the group that is you are going to write for the coming exam. Anyway, it is advisable to study all the subject during the beginning stages of the study.
Right plan will help you to get through your exams.
Take the needed time for the subject and don’t be hurry for lack of time. The articlship is taking the time of most of the student and only little bit time is available with you for studies.
Timetable for you.(Only recommendatory)
Make a time table for your studies. It may be very difficult to adhere strictly to the time table, even if it is advisable to make the time table for your studies.
Right attitude.
The attitude plays very important role. The course is generally tough in nature so you should think for hard work.this will help you to get through any tough situation
Daily studies (Routine)
Devote the time for daily studies, must find the time for it even if your schedule may be tight due to the coaching and the articleship.
Dedication and sacrifice
Both are the good qualities as far as a CA student is concerned.Give your soul and body to CA and CA only
The Student stage is just like the stages of sage. Will have to sacrifice whole mind and body for studies. This is called dedication. In sum, dedication and right attitude and dedication is a strong foundation and good quality of a CA student
Periodic Revision.
The role of the revision cannot be over emphasized. Because the brain is storing the information in the overwriting format. The older information will be lost if you storing the new information in the memory. Because the information is stored in Short term memory. If you revise it frequently, the information is passes through the Long term memory. If you not revised properly, whatever you had studied may be erased by the brain and will not help you for the exam. Find time for a subject and then only Go ahead with the other subject
Notes and key points
Make the habit of notes and summary point . Notes shall contain the main points and if you read these point, you must be in a position to understand the all the things. If you getting the free time in the office or by sitting free try to recollect what you had studied by referring the key point and summaries. A note may act as a good revision tools and may create your productivity.
Ideal way of studies (It may be not applicable for all):- I will recommend the written mode of studies rather than reading. However, following shall be recommended for you.
1. Reading loudly(but it should not be a disturbance to others)
2. Hearing (If you read loudly you can hear)and listen
3. Writing the key and summary point
4. Telling or pronouncing the read items(Telling in the mind also suffice)
Wish you ALL the best
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